Sports journalists must be passionate about their subject. They should also be prepared to work hard and find exclusive leads. A good starting point is to look for local opportunities to gain experience.
Aside from newspapers, you can subscribe to various sports news websites such as 먹튀검증업체. They provide different kinds of sports updates, including live streams.
Sports Illustrated
Sports Illustrated has been through a lot in recent years. There are still some terrific writers at SI, including Peter King in football, Tom Verducci and Grant Wahl in baseball, and the erudite generalist Lee Jenkins. But the magazine has been diminished by the rise of ESPN and other round-the-clock media.
Yahoo! Sports
Yahoo Sports is your playbook on what’s new and exciting in the world of sports. Watch live events, create personalized news streams & track your favorite teams and players.
Get breaking sports news & top headlines from your favorite teams, plus original content from our talented team of writers. Choose your favorite leagues and teams to create a personalized news stream that delivers schedules, highlights & updates in just a tap. Set alerts to stay ahead of the action.
FiveThirtyEight is a popular website that publishes data-driven news and politics. The site is known for its accurate election forecasts and its use of statistical analysis. It also offers political and economic analysis without using jargon.
The website was founded by Nate Silver and is licensed to the New York Times. It features the Fivey Fox as its mascot. The fox is a symbol of wisdom and fairness. The website has won numerous awards for its journalism.
The Ringer
Founded by Bill Simmons in 2016, The Ringer is a website and podcast network that features more than thirty different shows. It was acquired by Spotify for $250 million. Simmons has a strong understanding of how media will work in the future and acts on that insight.
The ‘Rewatchables’ is a movie podcast from The Ringer Podcast Network that unpacks the backstories of movies that you just can’t seem to get enough of. The show is hosted by Bill Simmons and a rotating cast of Ringer staff members.
The Ringer NBA team provides insight, reporting, and analysis of the NBA. Join Sheil Kapadia and Ben Solak as they deliver ‘Extra Point Taken’ on Tuesdays and Fridays.
SB Nation
Depending on how you look at it, SB Nation is either a sprawling network of team sites with puckish, irreverent coverage or an institution in the world of digital media. In either case, it’s an integral part of Vox Media, one of the most powerful enterprises in sports journalism.
Tyler Bleszinski and Markos Moulitsas founded the site as an Oakland A’s fan blog in 2003. It eventually became the foundation of a network that includes 300 teams and regional websites.
In recent years, Deadspin has broken several major sports stories. For example, they uncovered the Manti Te’o hoax, which dominated sports media for months. This story punctured the lazy mythmaking that was common in the industry.
The New York Times
The New York Times is an American newspaper that was founded in 1851. It is one of America’s most popular newspapers and it has won 112 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization. It is also known for its controversial coverage of the Vietnam War and the Pentagon Papers. The Times gave its name to Times Square and it is a well-respected paper worldwide.
In a time of political polarization, the publisher of The New York Times goes public in defense of traditional journalistic values. Plus, the veteran Times puzzle editor discusses his favorite clues and a debate over gender.